Individualised Living Options (ILO)

Our Individualized Living Options (ILO) program provides customized living arrangements designed to empower individuals to live as independently and autonomously as possible, while still receiving the support they need to thrive.

Tailored Living Arrangements: We work closely with individuals and their support networks to create personalized living arrangements that meet their specific needs, preferences, and goals. Whether it's supported independent living, shared accommodation, or another arrangement, we ensure that each individual's living situation is tailored to their unique circumstances.

Person-Centered Support: Our approach is centered around the individual, with support plans and services tailored to their preferences, interests, and aspirations. We focus on empowering individuals to make choices about their daily lives and participate fully in their communities.

Flexible Support Services: We offer a range of support services to meet the diverse needs of individuals in our ILO program, including assistance with daily living activities, skill development, community engagement, and more. Our support is flexible and responsive, adapting to individuals' changing needs and preferences over time.

Safety and Well-Being: The safety and well-being of individuals in our ILO program are paramount. We provide a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can feel secure and supported as they pursue their goals and aspirations.

Community Integration: We actively promote community integration and social inclusion for individuals in our ILO program, facilitating opportunities for participation in community activities, events, and social networks. We believe that everyone deserves to feel connected and valued within their communities.

Family Involvement: We recognize the important role that families and support networks play in the lives of individuals with disabilities. We work collaboratively with families to ensure that their loved ones receive the support and care they need to thrive in their individualized living arrangements.

Continuous Monitoring and Review: We conduct regular reviews and assessments of individuals' living arrangements and support plans to ensure that they continue to meet their evolving needs and goals. We are committed to ongoing improvement and innovation in our ILO program.

Empowerment and Independence: Our ultimate goal is to empower individuals to live fulfilling, independent lives in their chosen living arrangements. We provide the support, resources, and encouragement they need to achieve their full potential and live life on their own terms.

At Better Care Disability Support Services, we're dedicated to providing individualized living options that promote independence, choice, and quality of life for individuals with disabilities. Let us help you create a living arrangement that meets your unique needs and aspirations.